Miguel Rasero

Córdoba, 1955

Miguel Rasero works indistinctly with the language of painting and sculpture. In his pictorial work, the use of the collage technique stands out, based on cardboard and painted and glued papers with which he develops a hybrid technique of great plastic richness. With this method he has worked especially on still life, a genre in which the artist achieves a refined and concrete language that he has also extrapolated to the landscape and the reinterpretation of different works, artists or moments in the history of art. He has paid homage to works of the Spanish Baroque, but also to avant-garde artists such as Cézanne, Braque, Gris or Picasso, which have served as a conceptual thread for some of his creations.

He is an artist in constant evolution, always trying to incorporate new elements into his work. That is why as the years go by, his register is enriched with new nuances and elements that surprise in each exhibition, maintaining the coherent line that forms the backbone of his creative discourse.

He has a long history of exhibitions in Spain, he regularly participates in important fairs and national exhibitions, but also in cities such as Brussels, New York, London and Florence. He has been showing his work at Galería Trama and Sala Parés since 1995.

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