PERE GASTÓ (1908-1997)
The unfinished being
Curated by Sergio Fuentes Milà
Pere Gastó i Vilanova (1908-1997) is an artist who, even today, continues without leaving anyone indifferent. Adored by few and misunderstood by many, he is a special and unique painter. Gastó was able to generate his own language based on the deep study of the human figure and psyche. His artwork evolved from realism to personal formal codes that draw from several sources of the Central European expressionism. He established a magical, dreamlike and sometimes ghostly connection with the depths of the human soul. His pictorial approaches revolve around the understanding of the dualities of humans, transcendent themes such as Beauty, Death and Dreaming or the transformation of everyday reality.
The exhibition PERE GASTÓ. ‘The unfinished being’, curated by Sergio Fuentes Milà, PhD in History of Art, presents selected artworks, most of them unpublished, illustrating the evolution of the artist. You will be able to admire its different facets, from a first figuration where the luminous work is treated masterfully, until the achievement of new formal codes that define his famous ‘actors’ and the aesthetics and enigma of the ‘unfinished human’.
“‘L’ésser inacabat’ de Pere Gastó torna a la Sala Parés”. In Bonart. 17/10/2019.