After the exhibition ‘El Paisatge del sentiment’ (2023), we welcome a second show by the photographer Michael Kenna at Sala Parés. On this occasion, we establish a dialogue between a selection of the series that the British photographer has produced on Venice since 1980 and the pictures that Toni Catany (1942-2013) dedicated to the Italian city. Although Kenna and Catany never met, they admired each other. The confluences between the two proposals are constant and, at times, even evident, and denote a shared sensibility. The convergences, both in the Venetian series presented in Space 1 and in the still lifes shown in the Space 3 of the gallery, highlight this invisible link between the two gazes. ‘Kenna-Catany. Venècia’ is the result of the connections between the two photographers raised in the exhibition that opened at the Toni Catany International Centre of Photography in Llucmajor (Mallorca) in mid-2023.
Josep Maria Cortina – “Kenna i Catany: Dos grans fotògrafs a Venècia”. Núvol, 21/09/2024
Juan Bufill – “De Lorca a les cariàtides, passant per Venècia”. La Vanguardia, 21/09/2024
“La Venècia de Kenna i Catany”. Bonart, 20/09/2024
“Michael Kenna y Toni Catany: Venecia más allá de los tópicos”. El Periódico, 17/09/2024
Laia Beltran – “Les exposicions de tardor que mereixen el vostre temps”. El País, 17/09/2024
Yolanda Cardo – “Venecia: una ciudad, dos miradas”. Crónica global, 15/09/2024
Jorge Mur – “Un lugar transitorio”. Culturamas, 12/09/2024
“Las Gallery Weekend inauguran la temporada galerística”. EXIT media, 10/09/2024
“Kenna – Catany. Venecia”. GRAF, 10/09/2027