José María Guerrero Medina

25.10.2018 - 02.12.2018

Guerrero Medina is a painter and sculptor who has his own unconventional artistic language, which is beyond any trends and has received wide recognition by national and international art collectors and critics.

His landscapes synthesise the vitality and emotion that he finds in nature’s light, colours and smells. Standing in front of his easel in the open air, he moves into a frantic phase of inspiration. He absorbs what he sees around him, condenses it and mentally rearranges it and leaves the representation of his intuition to the free movement of his arm. Next, Guerrero’s broad and expressive brush-strokes conceal that first perception giving way to an interpretation which is the result of his receptivity and sensibility.

He pays careful attention to the final aesthetic appearance of his paintings, leaving no room for accidental effects. After mentally reorganising his view he admirably recomposes it by means of dots and brushstrokes, colours and shades. The whole conveys a harmonious feeling, almost musical. For him all the tones are equally important and combines a wide range of greys, ochre and earthy colours and many others.

The other themes in Guerrero’s art-work are the human figure and man-made objects. He deconstructs them in order to unveil their interior and rebuild their humanity. The achievement of this that he makes humans and objects talk to us rather than only showing their appearance. They are serene but intense images that connect with the spectator’s unconscious world, often creating feelings that can only be expressed through painting.

Many Catalan art critics active since 1980 have commented on Guerrero’s production. He has largely exhibited in Spanish art galleries and museums as well as European and American. His creations can be seen in many public and private collections.

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