Gonzalo Sicre

23.02.2023 - 22.04.2023

“Chaos was the law of nature; Order was the dream of man”

Henry Adams


” Nature is a personality so vast and universal that we have never seen one of her features”

Henry David Thoreau


There are places where nature reaches its maximum plenitude and it is there where man’s imprint, however small it may be, is most evident. The confrontation of fractal geometry with Euclidean geometry, of the most absolute chaos with order, then arises.

Chaos is the absence of form and also the medium where the creation of form takes place. It has structures with areas of symmetry that mix with areas of asymmetry to create increasingly complex forms.

Order makes it possible to distinguish what is the same and what is different, what goes together and what is segregated. Order disintegrates into chaos and chaos constitutes order.

“De Rerum Natura” is an approach to fractal geometry, the geometry of nature, chaos and order with shapes and sequences that are locally unpredictable, but globally ordered, in contrast to Euclidean geometry, which represents man-made objects.

Gonzalo Sicre


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