Gonzalo Sicre

10.10.2019 - 06.11.2019

“Giving to the lower a higher sense, to the ordinary a mysterious aspect, to the known the dignity of the unknown, to the finite the appearance of the infinite “


Becoming romantic.

To create a link between the human and the sublime, to formulate with the painting an orientative artistic truth as an alternative to the reality of nature, a human truth.

Adopting a naturalist pantheistic vision and conceiving nature as the only true reality, to reach the last stages of the sublime as defined by Schopenhauer, the most complete feeling of the sublime. The immensity of the extension or duration of the universe (pleasure for the observer’s knowledge of his own insignificance and his unity with nature).

The sublime is nowhere and it can be everywhere, it is emptiness and fullness, heaven and hell, the great and the minimum, it breaks with space and time, and with the reality principle because it is within us.

Emptiness, darkness, loneliness and silence are sublime emotions.

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