Juan Carlos Lázaro

Fregenal de la Sierra (Badajoz), 1962

The work of Juan Carlos Lázaro seduces and attracts us by its silent clarity, and invites us to lose ourselves in the pleasure of its contemplation. His still lifes are mysterious to us, since the light, bright and intense, floods the compositions and discards the objects, giving them an appearance that transcends the material.

The artist himself recognizes three stages in his career. In the first, the objects he portrays are almost imperceptible, as if about to vanish, while in the later stages these objects acquire definition and personality. It is as if the artist had to blur them almost completely to find their true form through a process of deconstruction and relearning in which, however, there is no concrete goal, so that all the steps of this process -that is, the works themselves- make us connect in a special way with the artist’s sensibility and allow us to discover different ways of understanding the pictorial qualities of objects and light.

Juan Carlos Lázaro has been exhibiting at Sala Parés since 2020, but his career began in the eighties and has led him to show his work in important galleries in the country, in addition to national and international fairs. His works are also part of prominent public and private collections.

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