Federico Granell

Cangas del Narcea (Asturias), 1974

Federico Granell is one of the most personal visual artists on the national scene. He expresses himself through painting and sculpture, mediums with which he invites the spectator to reflect on the duality between the individual and his environment – whether natural or self-created – but always in a suggestive and contemplative way.

Federico Granell studied Fine Arts at the Universidad of Salamanca, specialising in Design and Audiovisuals, continuing his training in Milan and Rome with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Scholarship, 2000-2001 at the Accademia di Belle Arti, Via Ripetta, Rome, and the Socrates Scholarship, 1998-1999 at the Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milan.

Since 1999 he has participated in important fairs and has shown his work in some of the main Spanish cities, as well as in Rome and Paris.

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